
GU low from last week...

brokers sometimes have different prices... here you go guys, there is my chart. the arrow is pointing on the 1300 bar...


  1. Hiya,

    This is Ben, we emailed a couple of weeks ago about the 1minutedaily system. I could not help notice your chart. At mbtrading the lowest price was 1.4855 yet your chart shows 1.4947. An 8 pip difference is crazy. Perhaps you broker tripped the stops just below 1.4855? I don't think the real price ever broke below 1.4854 even with a spread of 4 pips.

  2. Hi Ben,

    I don't know why is that either. I have read somewhere that some brokers give you price created by themselves, I mean their clients by making orders make kind of their own price valid only with the certain broker. I dont know if that is true or not, but this seems to me like the case. Well, it was good for me this time, another time I could get it wrong.
    Take care

  3. Hi Tomas, the money to be made for your broker would have been to take out the stops just below 1.4855 so I think they must have made their own price to make money for themselves. Fortunately you were on the rightside this time. Cheers Ben

  4. Hi Ben,

    I guess you are right:)
