
July 16th statement

I hope you guys got to trade this week:) We are getting closer to our maximum again, even I didn't get to take all the trades again... This week we had 5 wins and only 1 loss on GU and 4 wins to 1 loss on UJ. What A great week! I hope it continues the next week:)

and my account statement since January 26th...


  1. Brilliant!! Well done, I am really pleased for you...I have bought the system so really need to get into it now so we can compare trades.........Have a good weekend

  2. Hi Phil,

    I hope we all do great!:) The last two or three months were not that good but the first three months were great. Next weekend it will be exactly half year of my trading this system. I will do some statistics and write about what I do now to improve my results...

    Good luck everybody and have fun trading!:)

  3. Hi Slurpee,

    Your results are awesome, but was curious I know your trade 2 system on this account, and wondered what percentage of your winning would be from 1 minute daily as that's the system i'm looking to trade ?



  4. Hi Brettski,

    nice to see you here again:) I trade mostly 1 minute, last two or three weeks only 1 minute daily. Before that, around 80% was 1 minute...

    Take care
