
August 1st Statement

This week was up and down. The GU had two worst types of trades in a row, UJ had also some losses. I hope next week goes better!


  1. Hey Tomas,

    As for first weeks go it was not pretty thats for sure but i think as your past performance has shown one must stick with it even if it is painful.

    I had a win today on the GU as i noticed it starting to stall near the TP so i took my profit.

    Good luck for the week everyone.



  2. Hi Lee,

    good job! That's the way to go... As you say, we have to stick to our plan and not worry about our losses. My moved SL got hit a few minutes ago, so I get my win (a little bit bigger as shown in the picture)on GU too:)

    Discipline, discipline, discipline:)

  3. Hi Tomas,

    August can be a fickle month, but if it's any consolation, last August was a great month for my 1MD trades (+39.9%).

    For sure, 1MD (or any breakout strategy for that matter) doesn't work so well when markets are topping/bottoming out, as several seem to be at the moment.

    Keep the faith,


  4. Hi Dave,

    thanks for posting here... I am glad someone with experince with 1 min daily comes here...

    You are absolutely right about topping/bottoming markets. Moving sideways is not for us...:) But that is a period of time when we have to overcome, try to lower our losses, watch for S/R and so on...

    Take care and good luck!

  5. Hi Slurpee,

    I guess so that 1 minute does not work on the long run. I have read a post that somebody else experienced as well that in practice the profit is lost by small unaccepted losses as broker-frauds etc.

    And the profit shown by the auther month by month in the new performance table was not reflected on my account.

    It is a SCAM.



  6. Hi Slurpee,

    Your method of reducing the SL cost you big time on UJ didn't it? You had a loss when normal method had a win, that's a 10% reversal!

  7. I have to disagree with Paul's comments.

    I have been trading this breakout method for a long time (18 months now on GBP/USD). Although I do not trade it "out of the box" so to speak (I have gradually added my own tweaks etc), I can confirm I have checked back on every single 2009 published result and found just 12 entries that are incorrect. All other entries agree with my live trades to within a few pips. Obviously, the published results do not account for slippage or other broker anomolies.

    I believe this is one of the few strategies that has a proven edge in the market.


  8. Hi Simon,

    yes, unfortunatelly you are right. I had one loss on GU today that would be normally win, and on UJ too... trade from a few days ago when I got stopped out hit the real TP yesterday... Well, that happens. I am trying to get better but it of course doesn'T work every time. I was successful with my moving of SL and TP so far, but last few days were bad for me.
    Hopefully I will win in the long time!:)

    Take care

  9. Hi Paul,

    I am really sorry, but I don't think this system is a scam. I cannot agree with you. The results here talk for itself.


    thank you for your experienced comment...

  10. SCAM definetaly!

    Slurpee and the guys who wrote nice posts here have to be the author of 1 minute, I guess so.

    Avoid it!


  11. Chen,

    you are probably the same guy as Paul and Greg or whatever his name was... The results here are REAL! I post my pictures of my account here, real pictures. I also said that I can post history of my trades... but the only thing you do is say it doesn't work... you are funny:) Please stay away from my blow or I will have to erase your posts... If you can show your real results, then I will let you post here. Otherwise go elsewhere...
