
Bad luck

Sometimes we have a good luck, sometimes a bad luck... this is the second case. Tuesday and today...


  1. overall, december has been quite tough for gbp/usd. have lost quite a lot of money.

    i am just looking at your myfxbook profile. how could you lose so much in november? i nearly doubled my account with 1minute daily during that month?!!


  2. Hi Tonny,

    well, last few days were quite awful. A lot of bad luck. At least today some winners...
    November was unhappy for me bacause I missed a few days of traiding, those days were of course winners, and when I traded, there were losers. Also I tried the signal service called Standardpips (stay away from it!) and it cost me some. I guess I must have done something to somebody and it is coming back to me or what?:) I am trying to stay positive... I will finish the year with whatever results and then I will get my accounts together (will probably move to FxPro) and will trade with much lower risk and mostly systems that you set and forget (1 MD, Forex Morning trade and 20pipsdaily).

    I hope you gyus have better results...

  3. Guys, has anyone downloaded the Forex Rainbow indicator? It looks pretty awesome actually.

    Here's the link to download it for free: http://www.forexunbiased.com/go/download-forex-rainbow.php

  4. Hi Thomas
    Could you tell me your opinion about 20pipsdaily ?Evaggelos

  5. Sorry.The previous message is for Slurppe.
    Congratulation for this blog and i wish you a lot of pips.

  6. Hi Evaggelos,

    It is OK, my real name is Tomas:) 20pipsdaily is very easy system, resembles to 1MD and Morning forex (set and forget system), it has better win ratio then 1MD, but works with 30 pips SL and 20 pips TP, which decreases its profitability a lot. I am thinking of some way to improve it...

  7. Hi Tomas
    Sorry for my poor English.
    I have been trading Forex Morning Trade with real money and i am profitable. In addition i have done back testing from April to October with risk 10% per trade with amazing result.
    The only rule is DISIPLINE.
    I wish you a lot of pips.

  8. Hi Guys,

    Season's greetings and all that.

    Tomas, I also tried trading 20PipsDaily a while back and just didn't find it gave me enough profit (for the same reasons as you) but couldn't find any easy way to tweak it. So if you do manage to improve it, let me know.


  9. Hello Tomas
    i wish you a happy new year and a lot of pips.

  10. Hi Evaggelos,

    the same to you! Hope we all get a very progitable year!:)

    Tomas (Slurpee)
